SFR 537: Small Town Monsters

–SFR is in your ears, and It’s Werewolf October, our favorite time of the year! Expect talk of monsters and other creatures throughout this episode and repeating throughout the month. As it should be!
–Bobby bought the latest Halloween sequel to rewatch and found himself liking it. Jason remembers how we criticized it after our theatrical viewing, but also thinks time has healed the wounds.
–A look back at the last week, including the “debate” and Trump testing positive for COVID-19 and being hospitalized. We give you a few pros and cons from both sides of the political aisle.
–Bobby defends Trump from death threats and hate regarding his COVID diagnosis.
–Jason is begging to get to listener-submitted topics, so off we go. We go through everything from pedophilia and 2020 being God’s punishment to guns and shoes. Yes, shoes.
–Is a robot being built at Area 51? One “UFO expert” seems to say so. But we end up talking about games we played with friends or siblings that involved undercover missions.
–Choose your fighter! We pick through a chart of cryptids and decide which monster would win in a round-robin tournament. But, as Jason says, he has a soft spot for the small-town monster (or at least those that sound like they are). So we finish the show talking a bit about the Ozark Howler and the Cabbagetown Tunnel Monster.


Dropbox link here


About Jason Korbus

Friend, family member, possible werewolf. I co-host Strange Frequencies Radio, blog at Confidential Korbus, and generally walk among the weird. When I'm not doing busywork, I can usually be found with my nose in a book, my eyes glued to a glowing screen, or my ears tuned to The Ramones.
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