SFR 540: Twenty Twenty-Four

–Jason was confused by a text Bobby sent him earlier, so Bobby has to explain about the Nelson’s newest foster child.
–Though we don’t exactly do a “paranormal talk show” any more, Jason still hunts for paranormal stories. This leads us to talk about the kind of topics within that peak at certain times, while others are here year round.
–Bobby is in full on Christmas mode, with his tree up and jamming to the music. Still, we can’t leave out Thanksgiving because Jason loves a holiday all about eating. We lament that there aren’t more Thanksgiving movies.
–Bobby has injured his mouth with a toothpick and must see a dentist bright and early.
–We swap a few stories about our own doctor and dentist experiences, but Bobby relays a procedure his dad has to undergo that is just a tad scarier.
–Covid is never ending. In fact, Jason has decided that whatever the news media and public health officials say, he is going to assume it’s actually a level or two worse.
–Bobby has replaced one obsession (his health) with another, fixating on Trump and political news. We share a few thoughts about the ongoing claims of election fraud, and what the outlook is for 2024.
–Jason is looking forward to the new John Douglas book, because it brings together two of his lifelong interests: true crime and white nationalism. Meanwhile, Bobby is awaiting the arrival of new autographs he has coming.
–Bobby gets a new doorbell at a discount, but ends up having to spend the savings and more to have an electrician install it.

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About Jason Korbus

Friend, family member, possible werewolf. I co-host Strange Frequencies Radio, blog at Confidential Korbus, and generally walk among the weird. When I'm not doing busywork, I can usually be found with my nose in a book, my eyes glued to a glowing screen, or my ears tuned to The Ramones.
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