SFR 364: Thump Trump

–It was Bobby’s birthday on Friday, and how did he celebrate? By waking up at 4am to do the dishes and take out the garbage.
–Bobby has a fear that we’ll be seeing the inauguration of President Trump. Jason would like to say this fear is irrational, but he’s a little worried as well. Despite that, there are legitimate reasons why it may not happen.
–Since we’re talking about election news, Hillary crushed Bernie in South Carolina. It was not unexpected, but Jason is noticing some white liberals being a little paternalistic and, yes, racist. Are white people getting upset when black people don’t vote the way they are “supposed to.”

credit: Mitch O'Connell

credit: Mitch O’Connell

–A lot of conspiracy theories are crazy crackpot kind of stuff. But one going around lately that makes us laugh is one that says Ted Cruz is the Zodiac Killer. He’s not, of course, but it’s still kind of funny.
–Another conspiracy theory going around again lately that is not only crazy, but incredibly mean-spirited, is the one that is pushing Jon Benet Ramsey surviving her murder and living today as pop singer Katy Perry. Seriously, what is wrong with these people?
–REVIEW: Bobby happened to catch an episode of Hollywood Medium recently, and he was not impressed with the instances of cold reading and subjective validation.  Jason hasn’t seen it, but wonders if this guy will eventually overtake the Long Island Medium.
–We had other stories to talk about, including a recent violent confrontation at a KKK rally, and mass shootings in the news, but choose instead to finish the show talking about stuff that is a lot more fun:  our old ghost hunter stories, time spent working with psychics, and Jason breaking Bobby’s heart by eating the Steak n Shake 7×7 combo without him late last night.


About Jason Korbus

Friend, family member, possible werewolf. I co-host Strange Frequencies Radio, blog at Confidential Korbus, and generally walk among the weird. When I'm not doing busywork, I can usually be found with my nose in a book, my eyes glued to a glowing screen, or my ears tuned to The Ramones.
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