SFR 451: Unpopular Opinions

–Wow, we’re back doing a live broadcast on Sunday! Bobby was not too sick, nor did he remember he had another kid that was celebrating a birthday, and he didn’t go out of town with Anderson Cooper or something. Fun!
–Today’s show is about unpopular opinions. Or, at least the kind of opinions that make people uncomfortable in certain situations. Some of them will be ours, some will be yours, and we’ll explore others in between.
–We start with a clip of an interview between Jordan Peterson and Cathy Young, wherein Peterson makes the argument that, in order to think things out and get closer to the truth, you sometimes have to risk offending people. But that’s just the price for free speech and free inquiry.
–Jason brings up a public discussion a few months back involving Steven Pinker at Harvard, where he brought up a few different facts that, while easily provable, are still considered unpopular or controversial in certain circles.
–We left off last week with the subject of school shootings, wondering why the perpetrators are typical white teenagers. Out of the several comments and emails Jason received, he brings up a couple that stuck with him.
–This brings up the recent #Enough school walkouts that happened on March 14th. Bobby shares some of his opinions, believing it has been positive, but also expressing the cynical idea that some of the protestors just want to get out of class. Jason questions the idea that much of it was even a “walkout” at all, and mentions at least one pro-gun student being threatened with arrest for publicly expressing his opinion. Plus, Tucker Carlson says that the pro-gun control students are “not citizens,” earning a much needed smackdown.
–While on the subject of politics, can we talk about the Stormy Daniels-Donald Trump fiasco? Bobby says that he is tired of hearing about it, and the guys agree that the Democrats will hold anyone up as a hero as long as it will negatively impact Trump. Jason has, shall we say, some slightly harsher words?
–To lighten the mood, we go through some of the many comments we got from listeners confessing their own unpopular opinions. While there were a lot of people who stuck with pop culture, ie: “The Beatles are overrated,” there were a few folks that were willing to stick their own necks out and risk being unpopular. For instance, Bryce said that not having children can still be altruistic, and Sari is tired of some women trying to have it both ways, dressing like porn stars but not wanting to be looked at as sex objects. All in all, there were some laughs, but also some serious conversations here. Thanks to everyone for participating!
–Just when Jason thought the show was over, Bobby brings up how sad he is at the closing of Toys R Us, and the guys reminisce on their childhood trips to the toy store.


About Jason Korbus

Friend, family member, possible werewolf. I co-host Strange Frequencies Radio, blog at Confidential Korbus, and generally walk among the weird. When I'm not doing busywork, I can usually be found with my nose in a book, my eyes glued to a glowing screen, or my ears tuned to The Ramones.
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